Plastic surgery is the correction of all structures or functional and deformities of the body by congenital or subsequent injury. The main purpose is to restore the functional areas of the person's body by restoring them. Plastic surgery is applied to deformities and deficiencies with loss of function in the body. In this treatment, choosing the simplest method for the repaired area is the most rational action. Although there is no age limit in practice, usually the person's own tissue is repaired. Artificial materials (such as silicone) are also used for repair. Plastic surgery with a wide range of interest, is a treatment that can be applied to everyone and is not limited to any part of the body, it can be applied to all regions (from head to foot). The deficiencies that affect the skin and subcutaneous tissue, muscle and bone tissue are structured and the excess tissues in distorted appearance are removed and removed from the body. While many plastic surgeons choose to complete additional training and perform cosmetic surgery as well, the basis of their surgical training remains reconstructive plastic surgery.
- Almond Eye Aesthetic
- Aquafilling (Body Filler)
- Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)
- Baby Face with Thulium Laser
- Blepharoplasty
- Botox (Hair, Hand, Feed, Jaw, Underarm, Face, Neck, Teeth grinding, Migraine)
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Implants Replacement
- Brow Lift - Forehead Lift
- Butt Augmentation with Butt İmplants
- Cheek
- Cheek Thinning (Bichectomy)
- Chin
- Collagen Injection
- Combined Face Lift
- Ear
- Face Lift
- Fat Injection for Facial Rejuvenation
- Fat Transfer to Buttocks (BBL-Brazilian But Lift)
- Filler
- Focused Ultrasound Face Lift
- Forehead
- French Lift
- Full Tummy Tuck (Full Abdominoplasty)
- Gynecomastia
- Hip and Leg Shaping
- Inverted Nipple Surgery
- Labioplasty
- Laser Treatment for Dark Spots
- Lip Lift
- Liposuction
- Mastopexy
- Mesotherapy for Face, Body and Hair
- Midface Lift
- Mini Tummy Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty)
- Neck Lift
- Non-Surgical Face Lift
- Otoplasty
- Reduction Mammoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty-Secondary
- Spider Web Face Lifting
- Thigh Lift Surgery (Thighplasty)
- Tipplasty
- Vaginal Tightening
Plastic Surgery (as being supplementary treatment of “Obesity Treatment & Surgery”): Please ask for Special Deal option along with “Obesity Treatment & Surgery” package. Discount for related type of “Plastic Surgery” operations to be provided within one-year period after the operation.